Can Never Have It All

Uncategorized | September 13th, 2012

I want a teleportation machine
So I could find you in a dream
Live in all the moments that unravel me
Live out all the secrets I seek but never speak
For fear that life is a lie

Let me live inside the moment
Where you always look that way
Combine the bests of all of you
So I’d never have to stray

Love is such a waste
To only have the little tastes

There’s so much I never say
So much I still deny
No matter how much truth I live
There’s still those little lies

My mind drifts so far
Down into the light
Of candle’s flickered flame
The way you look bathed in softer lights

I’d throw away the world if I could just stay here
I’d throw away the world if I could just lay here
Naked without my walls
Focused on the touch and the way your eyes consume my soul

Combine the bests of all of you and I’d give up all control

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